Well, we did it, produce a skit with your super hero. I have attached a picture or our group. It was most difficult to find a purple full body leotard, we had to use some imagination and a black long sleeve leotard.
Hope we represented Super Librarian with all due repsect.
We had great fun and could not have done that without SUPER LIBRARIAN.
Thanks again
Joanne R. Bertrand
Bibliographic Instructor/Archivist
Treasurer, Vermont Library Conference
Grace Stuart Orcutt Library
Congratulations on the May Library Journal cover girl. Very nice coverage.
I have been doing a lot of shows on our local cable channel for a program called Books in Action. They have been very good about running the Super Librarian spot as their program break PSA.
Melissa Kopecky, Director
South Orange Public Library
"What a great spot the video on the super librarian web site is!"
Caroline Fannin, Montclair Public Library
"I currently work in a library and will graduate from Widener University in May 2005. I intend to go on for my MLS at Drexel University. The poster of Superlibrarian is especially meaningful to me and I would like to hang one in my study. Everytime I feel like giving up I could look at it and become refreshed in my goals. Is there any way possible I could purchase one? It would mean the world to me."
All the way from Spain...
"Dear Susan & Girls:
Congratulations for your great 10-itemed list, it has been greatly celebrated by the community of library-related Spanish weblog writers.
Many of us have also downloaded your amazing promotional video. Er... to tell the truth, many of us have celebrated how attractive Superlibrarian is, as well as her coleagues in your library ;-)))
This being said, my suggestion is obvious:
YOU ARE A SUPERLIBRARIAN IF...you are eager to write, debate and promote library related issues among colleagues and general public through powerful (and cheap, you surely know very few rich librarians) tools like weblogs, discussion forums, in order to be an opinion creator and library awareness leader.
and also:
you are always looking for ways to apply new technologies to your work in order
to make things easier for your users.
Maybe too long?
Many thanks for the good time you gave us!
Keep up the good work!"
Iñigo Arbildi Larreina
Integrated Library Management Systems Consultant
C/ Pedro Asúa 61 (01009 Vitoria)
West Deptford Free Public Library Grand Re-Opening (1/12/04)
Thanks so much for the use of the Super Librarian Cut Out. She provided much excitement and conversation in the library. The following comments about her visit may be of interest. She had to be positioned away from small patrons. (We had a little boy who thought he could tap dance on her mouse!) One inquisitve young man asked, "Is that lady Harry Potter's mom?" The re-opening was a great success. Thank you for your support. Carolyn Wood |
“I love the character and dressed like super librarian for Halloween”
Lesa Scully, Brigantine Public Library
“Super Librarian is a big hit. I used the bookmarks to warm up the Lions
on Thursday night. They loved the whole idea. Two thumbs up for this initiative.”
Daragh O'Connor, Cedar Grove Public Library
“This is a Super Librarian picture from Roxbury Public Library,
taken on September 6 at Olde Suckasunny Day, our annual town-wide street
fair, which is sponsored by the library. Our Super Librarian is Diane Sebastian,
Youth Services Librarian.” Mary Romance, Roxbury Public Library |
“Hi, I just wanted you to know that Rutherford Library has their very own
Super Librarian! When we saw the posters, buttons, and bookmarks we found
a STRONG resemblence to our cataloger Marianne Sulling. We put together
an outfit, took pictures and...I thought you might like to take a look. ”
Mary Kate Cullinan, Rutherford Public Library |
“I think your Super Librarian campaign is great.”
Heather Higgins, Dauphin County Library System, Harrisburg, PA
“We've got our Bulletin Board up and our display of Graphic novels making
a statement. All is going well and "Super Librarian" is getting a
lot of comment. Most seem to like the Jersey Girl image.”
“I am proud to be a librarian in New Jersey, part of the unique group
of men and women who see themselves as "Super", operating without
Barbara Shallit, Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library
“Any way I could get some Super Librarian buttons sent to me here at
OCL? I have librarians CLAMORING for them!”
Laura Baldwin, Ocean County Library
“She’s great and will certainly be eye catching and I think the
media and the libraries can have fun with her”
Eileen Karpoff, Ridgefield Park Public Library
“Thank you for the buttons. I received them today and the staff
is proudly wearing them”
Christine Zembicki, Clifton Public Library
“Just wanted to say again that I think the Super Librarian campaign sounds
and looks great. You all obviously put a lot of time and effort into designing
it and bringing it to fruition.”
Susan Fichtelberg, Woodbridge Public Library
“The site is wonderful! This entire campaign of ‘Super Librarian’ has just been SUPER!!! We have been using the posters and tips in the library.” Sonal Shukla, Ingenix
“The buttons are a great idea!”
Susan Pirozzi, Wayne Public Library
“We love the Super Librarian buttons that were included in the promotional
packet for our library.”
Pat Zerbe, Wayne Public Library
“I clicked on the image link to Super Librarian, and was blown away
by their link to the individual libraries homepages. It’s exciting to
quickly link to each and see the tremendous diversity our libraries present
in their frontpages. Very positive.”
“Keep up the good work.”
Penny Kaplan, Fair Lawn Public Library
“[A] library assistant at the Glassboro Branch of the Gloucester County
Library System, saw the library commercial Tuesday morning (9/16) on the weather
channel (4) of Comcast. One of the other library assistants saw it also. They
both remarked that it was very well-done.” “Whoever decided to put
the commercial on the weather channel this week must have had a crystal ball!
Carol Wolf, Glassboro Public Library
“The Metuchen Public Library, in accordance with suggested directions
from the State Library, prepared a "Super Librarian" bulletin board,
and hung it on Sept. 15 at a location just inside our main entrance. We generated
a small banner that read "Proud to Be A..." and placed it over the
poster, so that the words ran together and formed the sentence "Proud to
Be A Super Librarian." To the right of the poster, we added eyecatching
shapes in neon colors which listed activities of such super librarians.
On Wednesday, following the Ashcroft article in Monday's NY Times which
denounced librarians as harbingers of hysteria, and Tuesday's rebuttal letter
to the editor, one of our regulars came in and asked if the bulletin board was
in response to Ashcroft's comments. I explained about the new publicity campaign
and told him the timing couldn't have been better, because we are looking to
project a bold new image, and this attack on librarians as defenders of the
constitution and protectors of civil liberties is really something to be proud
of. He strongly agreed and told us to keep up the good work!”
Melody Kokola, Metuchen Public Library
“Wanted to drop a quick congratulations on the beginning implementation
of the marketing campaign. You have achieved a modern symbolic presentation
that has been a long time coming. It is professionally done and I look forward
to seeing some of the non-print ads.” “I would have been more apt
to present two librarians--one female and one male pictured as symbols of our
working professionals.” “We only have each other to depend on. Together--
Women and Men working hard in order to achieve a just end for Librarians and
Richard Thau, Pennsauken Library
And just when you thought it was over...
"Claudia Allocco at Valley Health Systems reports that a prominent physician
there who oversees her library saw the Super Librarian poster and asked her
what a Super Librarian is. It opened the door for an excellent dialogue about
her work and the library's contribution to the community it serves. Way to go,
Susan Kaplan, New Jersey State Library